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Chart comparing business status boards

PSB hosting diagram

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PSBs, social networking, social evolution, microcommunities, personal status boards
PSBs, social networking, business personal status boards
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website menus, buttons, image rotators
Ez-Architect, home design software
the magic carpet and the cement wall, children's adventure book
the squirrel valley railroad, model railroad videos, model train dvds
the deep rock railroad, model railroad videos, model train dvds

CSS and HTML Tutorials

The CSS and HTML tutorials linked to below contain a wealth of info about CSS and HTML for anyone from beginners to experts. Here is a great source of help with free html tutorials, free html scripts, css scripts, html scripts, html and css tutorials. So check out our free CSS and HTML tutorials. Comments are welcome!

Incidentally, these are not just CSS and HTML scripts we threw together without testing. We tested everything on the site before it went into these site pages. And they are not just slapped onto the website without explanation. There are tutorials that accompany each of our free CSS and HTML scripts. If you take the time to read our pages, the least we can do is take the time to test the scripts and explain them. We are more likely to over-explain than under-explain, which is perfect for you beginners out there. If you like our scripts, a link to our site would be much appreciated!

There are all kinds of free CSS and HTML scripts in our tutorials. You think up a script you'll be needing, and you're nearly certain to find it in our scripts. Better yet, there are test scripts in these links so you will be able to test the scripts for yourself. The good thing is that we took the time to write the tutorials as well as the time to test these scripts before putting them on our site.

HTML Scripts and Tutorials

Where can I get help with the IE Box Model Display Bug that's about box widths, borders, margins, and padding?

Can you use borders around inline elements like <i> tags?

What are some ways to have your web page jump focus to a certain spot on a page?

How can I make layouts work right when people use the Text Size option on the View menu in IE or the Text Zoom option in Netscape to enlarge their text size?

How can I get the Text Size option on the View menu in IE to function correctly to enlarge text size (it seems broken)?

What is the better text size unit for site design, pixels or ems?

Why does the width increase on some columns until they overlap their neighbors when you test text enlarging for accessibility?

How do I achieve cross-browser compatibility with embedded videos?

Why are MPEG 1 files best for embedded videos?

What's the very best way to do fixed positioning so backgrounds and menus stay put?

What is the easiest way to do thumbnail image enlargement windows?

What is the Gif Pop-up Method?

What is the Video Pop-up Method?

How do I add html to a web page with JavaScript, PHP or ssi includes?

How do I add html to a web page with SSI includes?

tooltips using CSS only

CSS Scripts and Tutorials

Can I make rollover buttons that use CSS only?

What is the difference between rules, selectors, values and properties?

How would we contrast a professionally designed website with a teaching site with regards to the use of embedded, inline or style sheet CSS?

What are the CSS style properties that are the easiest to change using W3C DOM methods?

Are you allowed to have containers (like div and span) inside containers and ids inside containers with different ids?

What CSS styling technique is needed to keep the cursor an arrow rather than a text cursor when the mouse is over buttons with text but no link?

What are collapsing margins and why doesn't someone help the poor things?

What are the rules for how one uses font shorthand?

What are the best ways to get fancy borders to work?

What are the best ways to replace bullets or other list markers with your own images?

What are the best ways to do div box positioning with absolute and relative positioning?

How can I tell what will overlap what in absolute positioning?

What are all these nutty terms: context box, relative, fixed, static, absolute, inherited, parents, ancestor, children, siblings, ems, normal flow, and nested?

How can I position several page elements inside another larger element?

Why in the world is column layout such a pain in the tail in CSS; why is there no Column property?

What are the main choices I have when it comes to CSS page layout?

What is the best way to deal with footers when it comes to CSS page layout?

What is reputed to be quite a good strategy when it comes to 2-column CSS page layout?

What is reputed to be quite a good strategy when it comes to 3-column CSS page layout?

What is reputed to be a classic when it comes to 3-column CSS page layout?

Is there a way to base column layout on the margin property when it comes to CSS page layout?

Is there a way to base column layout on the left property when it comes to CSS page layout?

Is there a way to base column layout on the padding property when it comes to CSS page layout?

Is there a way to base column layout on the relative positioning property value when it comes to CSS page layout?

Is there a way to base column layout on nested divs when it comes to CSS page layout?

Is there a way to base column layout on the float property when it comes to CSS page layout?

Is there a bug in the float property when it comes to Netscape CSS page layout?

Is there a way to have text flow around pictures, sidebar text, and pull-quotes when it comes to CSS page layout?

Why am I sometimes getting overlaps in column paragraphs vertical to one another?

One of the ways to get the computer knowledge that you need is to search online for information. Our website has lots of info on lots of computer related topics, whether CSS and HTML tutorials or other languages like JavaScript or PHP or AJAX or XPATH. Some people find it more convenient and/or more organized to get the knowledge from books and teachers. Others like sites like this one as a supplement to an academic approach. One thing for sure: many employers require prospective employees to have computer related degrees as a prerequisite before they will hire these people to do computer related tasks. The exponential growth and influence of computers makes it more and more essential to have all the answers when it comes to computer knowledge. Understanding tutorials, and then how to better teach individuals below you, is a task for all teachers, specifically ones carrying an online masters degree in education. What is especially cool about this place is that it lets you get the degree online without traveling to a University. Pretty convenient, huh?